Yet another fabulous book by Janet Halfmann! "Star of the Sea" is less of a storybook and more of an educational book about the amazing lives of sea stars. You probably knew that they can regrow a lost limb, but did you also know they could extend their stomachs FROM THEIR BODIES so that they can digest other sea creatures without cracking the shells? I do, now. My kids and I have read this book several times and now know a WHOLE LOT about this particular animal. Ms. Halfmann's words are easy for my 5 year old to digest but interesting enough to keep my 9 year old's attention and even garnered several comments from my pre-teen (from across the room, naturally. He didn't want to be caught being interested in a picture book!).
As a homeschooling family, every book we read can become an educational opportunity. Star of the Sea has definitely fit that bill!
Tracey, thanks so much for the wonderful review of my book. I just LOVE the photo. I so appreciate your comment about how all three of your children reacted to the book. Happy Reading!