I have a really cool gift idea for those of you looking for a last minute present or for something educational and different!
The Project of the Month Club contacted me recently to review their products and services and I am definitely intrigued!
We received a set of learning to stitch materials that Corinne descended upon like a buzzard. The projects themselves are geared for ages 8 and up because of the fine motor skills required to have the needle and thread follow the correct pattern, but she managed to complete several rows before getting a little bored and frustrated.

I decided that tackling the tissue box cover was a bit too much for her right now (though we already have the sides all pieced together and several rows finished) so we cut the larger pieces that were designated for a craft bag into small hearts and squares to make into Christmas ornaments for her grandparents and family!

Our samples also included a step stool for the boys (and Corinne) to build and paint, complete with instructions that I think should be fairly easy for most children to follow with little help. I can't wait to show you all what the projects turn out when we finish them!
The idea behind this site is that you can purchase a membership that will send your child a different craft project every month (or quarterly, or bi-annually. There are several programs available.) Check out what they have to offer and, if it suits a child you know, use this code until January 31, 2010 for 10% off!
Code to use at
The Project of the Months Club is : "justanother"
Let me know if you find this site interesting! I'd love to see the projects that get made!!